How to Prep for a Leap
When I first discovered Leaps and the wonder weeks app, I was absolutely overjoyed because it meant there was reason for my little girl's fussiness. It made sense to me, and finally I felt less overwhelmed by those phases. BUT.... THEY ARE HARD TO GET THROUGH!!!!!!
So I've compiled a list to help get through those yucky fussy days/weeks:
1. Feed feed feed
This applies particularly to boobie mums. It's not always easy or convenient to whip out a boob at any point throughout the day, but I promise this can really help baby get through some difficult days!
2. Baby wearing
Yeah, they get super heavy after a while, so make sure your carrier works for YOU! Whether it's one with fifty thousand straps or a simple wrap - that closeness can be the difference between a screaming, and a calm happy baby!
3. Don't rely on naps
This is a biggie. Babies don't sleep their regular times/ways during particularly difficult leaps and I wish someone had emphasized this to me. Plan your days as if baby will be skipping naps or be difficult to get to sleep!
4. Prep ahead of "storm cloud" days
The app tends to be pretty accurate when it comes to the fuasiest times in a leap. If you can see the storm cloud ahead, try and get those chores done ahead of time. You may not have the time or energy to do them once the cloud hits!
5. Meal prep
This is really helpful both to mommy and baby (whether your BLW or using purees). I can't tell you how helpful it's been to just chuck something in the microwave for myself and my daughter on the worst days. Keeping up with healthy, regular eating patterns will help with the emotional Rollercoaster that leaps tend to hit us with!
6. Have an alternate plan
Since baby's routine could be thrown off completely, it's helpful to have an alternative plan for days where the timing is completely off. For example, being flexible with nap times to take into account skipped naps or unusually short naps. For us, switching bathtime to mornings has also been necessary a few times! Being flexible is a huge plus to avoid going slightly mad in leap time!
7. Use the app to remind you how baby benefits
Sometimes when the Littles are fussy, we forget WHY they're acting strange. Whether it's exponential amounts of learning, or discovering new skills, this information can really help calm a mommy's spirit on days where figuring baby out just seems impossible! It's definitely worth the tough days!
8. Call in reinforcement when needed
If you're having a particularly tough day, it is OKAY to ask for help from a loved one or a trusted friend! We are moms not super beings, and sometimes we seem to think that being perfect is a real thing. If you feel overwhelmed, ask someone to take over a little bit while you enjoy a relaxed activity!
9. Remember what you've learnt
Just Because baby is in a leap doesn't mean that reflux, gas, constipation or even illness isn't still a possibility. Checking your little's cues will help a lot. Babies tend to reach for, or touch the areas of pain/discomfort. Trust your instincts!!!
When I look back at my baby's growth between leaps, I'm absolutely amazed to see how much she grows and develops. It's amazing to look back and compare, and can also help momma mentally and emotionally when dealing with difficult days.
11. Take advantage of what baby wants to learn in each leap
If you can, assist baby during the leap by playing developmental games, singing songs, having conversations and even by reading to them! This exrra boost could help with development and of course spending quality time with your little helps you form a bond!
I hope this helps a few mums out there. I know I sure could've used some tips and tricks over the last few leaps!
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